Predictions game
Welcome India
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Any Member Who Join Us, Send Their Request and Than They can Join Our Group "Welcome India".

Thanks' All member
Here we have Welcome Everyone.
Join the Welcome India Group.
Sel 1
Luisfer left the group
Sab 22
Shivam007 joined the group
Sab 11
Shivam007 left the group
Sen 9
Rakesh_Sharma joined the group
Sen 29
Shivam007 joined the group
Sen 29
Shivam007 left the group
Jum 13
jaq_pkapoor left the group
Sel 26
Rakesh_Sharma left the group
Sel 13
ASHISH GOEL joined the group
Kam 28
pradhyu69 joined the group
Sab 31
pgirish joined the group
Sel 8
Dev_Royal joined the group
Jum 28
Harish_Rawat joined the group
Sen 28
Harish_Rawat joined the group
Jum 18
Rakesh_Sharma joined the group
Sel 1
jaq_pkapoor joined the group
Sel 1
jaq_pkapoor joined the group
Sel 1
Shivam007 has created the group
They are in the group